The Complete Guide to Records Management System

Learn what is records management system and how it can help you keep track of your piling customer information.

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Pohan Lin

Pohan Lin is the Senior Web Marketing and Localizations Manager at Databricks, a global Data and AI provider.


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Businesses generate large volumes of data daily, both digital and paper. These documents can be hard to keep tracking. For instance, 46% of workers say it is often or always challenging to find the right information. Poor records management reduces productivity by over 20%. It could cost a business $20,000 per worker each year.

The solution? Businesses need a record management system to keep track of important company documents. A records management system boosts productivity and ensures you meet regulations. In this article, we’ll look at the meaning of a records management system, why it’s essential, and how to create a records management process for your business.


What Is Records Management?

Records are information a business creates in-house or receives from an external source. Usually, you keep them for compliance requirements or to show evidence of business transactions. Examples include financial documents, social media reports, and company emails. There are many records required for storage for a set period of time一for instance, tax returns are in storage for at least five years.

Records management involves creating, maintaining, using, and disposing of records. Records management aims to ensure you can access records to support business decisions and maintain records in compliance with the law.

What is the difference between records management and document management?

The main difference is you can change documents but not records. For instance, an invoice changes while you work on it, but once you complete it, it becomes a record. Not every type of document becomes a record, though.

A document management system (DMS) handles document storage, modification, and sharing. A records management system stores and maintains records based on established policies. Records management is a subdivision of document management that includes paper and electronic records management.


The Records Management Lifecycle

This refers to all the stages a record goes through, from creation to disposal. According to the UN, there are four key stages:

1. Creation phase

The creation phase starts as soon as a record is received or created. If you create records in-house, you should ensure the record is complete and accurate. For all records, this stage involves storage in the correct place (physically or electronically). It is also critical to assign an appropriate security level.

2. Active phase

The activate phase involves record usage, sharing, retrieval, and referral. You must preserve the integrity of the record and make it available for current business processes. Some records have a short active phase, such as payroll records, while others have a long active phase.

3. Inactive phase

The inactive phase begins when records are no longer in active use but must be kept for legal or other reasons. You should identify and list records you no longer need to keep handy in the office or shared systems. You can then transfer them to onsite storage or offsite commercial records centers.

4. Disposition phase

The final phase is the disposition of records. Disposal of records may involve deleting digital records, destroying physical records, or the records may be archived. If disposal involves destruction, you have to get the necessary permissions first.

What Is Records Management System?

In 2020, the global market for records management systems was $3.9 billion, and this could reach $8.8 billion by 2027. With these systems, you can securely manage and store records while maintaining access and leaving an audit trail. Records management systems may be fully or partially digital. But both involve using document scanners to scan physical records.

86% of workers say they experience challenges when searching for information. A records management system can help since you can quickly find records like company invoices with a built-in search engine. To organize your records, you can add metadata and labels. The software also comes with built-in security and access authentication, and will contain much more detailed information than your call management system.


Types of Records Management Software

There are two main types of records management software: on-premises and cloud-based. They offer the same features but differ in how they store and maintain data.

On-premises records management systems

On-premises records management systems are hosted in your servers and storage facilities.

Cloud-based records management systems

Cloud-based systems are hosted online by a software provider for a monthly or annual fee. The cost varies by provider and the number and type of features you need.


Records Management Software Features

When choosing records management software, you should look for features like:

Benefits of a Records Management System

Records management systems allow you to easily access and manage your business records. They also save time and let you focus more on critical business functions. Other benefits are:

How to Create a Records Management Process

Now let’s look at how to create proper records management practices for your business. You should:

1. Create a records retention schedule

First, you must decide how long to keep records as part of a records retention schedule. You could determine how long to store records through an analysis of business needs or legal requirements. Or it could be determined by the central government or other entities. Either way, a record retention schedule should include:

2. Establish records management policies

Next, you should put policies in place so everyone in the company knows how to manage records. You should base your policies on International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15489 for records management. Your policies should include:

3. Create a procedure for records disposal

Lastly, you should determine how your company will destroy physical records and delete digital records. For paper records, you should:

For digital records, you should delete all copies of a record, including those on USB drives, CDs, computers, or mobile phones. And, like paper records, you should ensure that only authorized employees can delete records.

The Takeaway

In order to keep track of your piling customer information, you need a records management system. A records management system saves time and improves efficiency with features like keyword search and software integrations.

You should also create policies to manage your records in line with legal requirements and business needs. These policies should cover all stages of the record lifecycle, from creation to storage and disposal. That way, your employees will always have the correct information at the right time.

Pohan Lin

About the author

Pohan Lin

Pohan Lin is the Senior Web Marketing and Localizations Manager at Databricks, a global Data and AI provider connecting the features of data warehouses and data lakes to create lakehouse architecture along with Databricks HDFS architecture. With over 18 years of experience in web marketing, online SaaS business, and ecommerce growth. Pohan is passionate about innovation and is dedicated to communicating the significant impact data has in marketing. Pohan Lin also published articles for domains such as Landbot and PPC Hero.