Online Examination Project Report Documentation Only

Currently, online test systems have adapted easily to today's technologically advanced world. Examinations are an intrinsic part of the educational process. The evaluations are conducted by teachers manually, regardless of the fact that the tests are conducted online. Our examinations can be classified into two main types of evaluation, namely, objective answer evaluation and subjective answer evaluation. As of now, online answer evaluation is available for the objective questions, hence the manual assessment of the theory answer is a tedious task for the teacher. The teacher checks the answer manually and gives the marks. In this paper, the literature survey of existing solution is analyzed.

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This paper describes methods of on-line assessment and students' survey, which utilize the Web interfaces and uses them in conjunction with the Internet. To find the most appropriate alternative methods of students' assessment and survey a variety of commercial and public domain tools was used to implement the following two basic tasks: 1. "Student Suggestion Box" where students evaluate the subject and make comments and suggestions on the subject and its assessment, and 2. a partially AutoMark short assessment task, containing two paragraph questions and three multiple choice questions, that offers final marks to the instructor/students and provides prompt feedback for wrong or partially wrong answers to students. Two commercial packages, two major Web-based course-building environments, and a locally developed server and client side programs were used to implement the above mentioned pre-defined tasks. This paper shows sample results obtained from each, and illus.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

Online examinations are an important method of evaluating the success potential of students. This research effort the individuals under consideration were students who would be enrolling in computer courses or Technologies Registrations. A prototype of a web-based placement examination system is described from the standpoint of the research effort, end user, and software development. An on-line educational system including exam processing and electronic journal features. An instructor builds a course based questions which on-line contain in identification of assignments. Which are compiled into an on-line exam syllabus? Users enrolled in the platform may access the electronic details they provided and perform various functions with the on-line educational system in order to participate in the on-line examinations. Users can receive an on-line exam, having multimedia content, for the course, and they can electronically provide answers for the exam. And after Completion of their duration of exam they are provided the grade or marks secured in their examinations. I.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

In the terms of advanced era and for maintaining a good record of accreditation of an institute, we're developing Student Feedback System. This system contains feedback form which is constructed by using different primitives available in PHP and HTML and combining them together in a required manner. It generates the results for the faculties on the basis of feedbacks given by the students. The students will be provided with unique usernames and password in order to login and evaluate. The final result will be displayed at admin's page. Admin is the responsible for viewing the evaluation and registering new students. There are questions provided to evaluate the status of faculty and each question contains 5 options namely Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average and Poor.

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The study is an online, computer aided tool that was designed primarily for the conduct of online examination. The system was created using PHP, a web based scripting language, and MySQL as the database software. The system focuses on the automation of students' examinations; preparation, scheduling, checking and grading. A database is provided for the storage of exam questions, answers to questions and students' records. The system allows instructors to create an exam by entering questions with its corresponding answers into the database. Instructors are provided with three options on the type of exam; these include, True or False, Multiple Choice and Fill in the Blanks. There are three account types based on the intended users. One is the Administrator Account; this can be used to create instructor accounts. It can also be used to delete or suspend other accounts based on activity status. The Instructor Account allows teachers to create student accounts and enroll the same. This account can be used also to create, activate, edit, delete exams and monitor students' performances. The Student Account is for the officially enrolled students where they can take exams and view scores even from previous examinations. This software allows instructors to keep track of students' performances from all exams since the results will be stored in a database linked to an online system. While taking the online exam, students can choose the number of exam questions that will be displayed on the screen at a given time. A student can take the exam only on the specified date and time set by the instructor. Ideally, a particular exam should be taken only once. In cases of retakes due to valid reasons and special exam considerations, the instructor is given the option to administer the previously activated exam, edit or create a new set of questions. One limitation though, this online system is not to be used to compute for the class performance for the final grade since this requires other components such as seat works, graded recitations, laboratory activities, etc. This only computes and shows the scores from previous exams and the average. Online exam maker, online exam checker, online exam maker design, online exam maker development 1599 | P a g e A u g 2 0 , 2 0 1 3

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